Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 22 - Favorite City

Today's entry will likely be the shortest of the bunch simply because, while I love the idea of cities, I do not feel as if I have seen enough, or spent enough time in any, to know which is my favorite or from where these affections would spring. The answer that becomes the most obvious is Philadelphia simply because I have spent the most time there, because it is easy to navigate and tends to satisfy all my needs for culture. But there are, in all likelihood, better places to satisfy these needs, that are easier to navigate, and probably have sports teams that I care much more for than any team that inhabits the Philadelphia area. Experience, experience, one day we will meet each other, hopefully naked, confined, and we won't look away from each other.

Until that day comes though I will simply leave this entry as open, one that I should revise in the future. Of the major cities I think I have only skimmed the surface of Baltimore and Washington, D.C. I once was in New York, but I did not spend much time in the city. San Francisco seems to be the hot spot for all the careers that I hope to work in, but my knowledge of that is limited to the construction of San Fran as portrayed in Full House. Chicago seems like a fun place, so I will be able to check that one out this summer. It would be killer to see Houston to, but Houston is more of a built up stand in for escapism than a city I have too much interest in visiting. Still, there are fifty states, and that's just in America. I mean who knows how many states they have in Europe!?!

Seriously though, I just have not seen enough to know which city is my favorite, which I would like to spend the time getting to know inside and out. My guess is that each one is worthy of that, as tends to be the case with the world in general. So I will start searching and I'll use future, post 30 Day Challenge posts, to tell stories about the cities that I visit. Maybe then we will know.

Thanks for reading.

Tomorrow's Topic: Favorite Vacation


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