Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 6 - Family

I have covered much of my family in the posts of the previous days, so I think for the most part this one is going to be a shorter entry. Family is a pretty complex entity, and I am not as close with my extended family as some people I know, but that does not mean that we don't care about each other. My family is split between my mom and my dad's sides, and while I grew up mostly around my one grandmom from my mom's side, as a whole my dad's side is one tightly knit group of people. One of the main reasons for this, I think, is because of my grandmom and my Aunt Joyce. Through great times and bad times they have acted as ballasts for the family, keeping traditions alive despite the passing of time and of other family members.

Conversely, I am not so very much aware of the extended family on my mom's side, only having encountered a few other members on a few select occasions. They seem like interesting people, good to spend time with, tell jokes with, hear stories from. Maybe that's one of the values that family can give, a simple bond, but a strong bond. A collective of people that raise you, that just accept you, unspoken words that you understand. That I understand anyway. And that makes me happy.

I have a supportive family, immediate and extended, a luxury that many people do not have. Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. All areas covered, all lined with caring, interesting, and fantastic souls. I may only spend time with them on major events and holidays, but they always make those events special. Hours where I don't have to worry, where I can just be, take in everything. That, I suppose, is also what family can do, and in there I find beauty.

Thanks for reading!

Tomorrow: A Picture That Makes You Happy


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