Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 2 - Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

This topic, one would assume, should be incredibly easy to write about. In many ways I anticipate that it will be, at least to an extent because I have been using the pseudonym FLYmeatwad for just about every screen name since first adopting it way back when I first signed up for Xbox Live whenever Halo 2 came out. While I rarely used Live, or played Halo, the name has stuck. Still, I would probably be lying if I was to say this topic is all that definitive or incredibly easy to explain. So like those great minds before us let's deconstruct this until we stand on the cusp of meaning and meaninglessness.

meatwad is simple enough, or so it would appear. For those not in the know, meatwad is one of the characters on the (perhaps) popular [adultswim] series Aqua Teen Hunger Force. All of the Aqua Teens live in New Jersey, which just so happens to be where I live. In the time since creating the name I am not sure if meatwad is still my favorite character from the show, the answer is probably no, but he still competes, I guess, so it may or may not be relevant.

The former half of my handle, FLY, is a mystery. Writing about it is probably not going to help explain why, and as a disclaimer I am not going to take the time in this entry to reveal what exactly it is an acronym for, so Filmspotting readers will have to continue to wonder in mystery along with the rest of the world. When first setting up the name I do not think that I had the idea of FLY being an acronym in mind, but it was there for a reason, so I guess it has to stand for something, festering or slumbering somewhere in my mind. My assumption is that one day it will reveal itself to me, or perhaps it already has, and I can then distribute that information. I can, and have, made up a few stand ins for what it may mean, but none of these seem 'right.' I feel sometimes that I run the risk of never being able to fulfill the expectations of what it may mean when I finally figure out whatever the Hell FLY stands for, but the journey is always the enjoyable part, right? I don't think that is sufficient. There would be no trip without a destination, theoretically, and one day I'll get to the location. At least I hope I do. Until then, watching from afar, I will continue to wonder what FLY could be an acronym for; however, I know it's an acronym. What is the future but the past of the present?

So yeah, whether it be Xbox Live, PSN, blogs, forums, websites, emails, AIM (FLYmeatwad2 for that one actually), Twitter, or any other service I will continue to use the handle, waiting.

And yes: it always needs to be capitalized! It's not Flymeatwad, not flyMEATWAD, FLYMeatwad. There's one acronym in there!

Thanks again for reading. Tomorrow's entry: Parents



  1. It started as a random combination of letters? Really? Hmm. I get it, I really do because another friend of mine always uses Jochle for online gaming. His name is Joe and just hit a bunch of keys on the keyboard randomly and liked what it pumped out, so he stuck with it, Jochle.

  2. Well the FLY is intentional, not random, I just don't know why that word rose to the top to be the first part. But it has stuck.
